Magabala Books

Magabala Books is Australia’s leading Indigenous publishing house. 

We celebrate the talent and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander storytelling through the publication of quality literature. Based in Broome, Western Australia, we publish Indigenous storytellers, writers, artists and illustrators from all over Australia, across a range of genres, including children’s picture books, memoir, fiction (junior, YA and adult), non-fiction, graphic novels, social and cultural history and poetry.

We are an Aboriginal owned and led Indigenous publishing house. Publishing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers, storytellers and illustrators is our mandate. We are proud to celebrate the dynamism and diversity of First Nations' voices. 

If you are a non-Indigenous author your submission to Magabala Books will not be considered. Magabala Books will consider collaborative works between Indigenous and non-Indigenous authors. However, there must be a minimum of 50% contribution by the Indigenous collaborator(s) on the text, from the inception of the project (for example a children's picture book manuscript by a non-Indigenous author with an Indigenous illustrator is ineligible). When assessing collaborative submissions, we examine the process and relationships behind the collaboration carefully.

Magabala accepts unsolicited manuscripts directly from authors and literary agents. As a small publishing house Magabala Books can only approve a limited number of manuscript submissions a year. We appreciate your understanding. We will not consider manuscripts that have been submitted to, and currently under consideration by, other publishers. Please note the assessment process may take up to 20 weeks. We thank you in advance for your patience


Guidelines for submitting: 

· Please make sure you include your full name, contact phone number and email address. 

· If you are submitting a children’s picture book it is not necessary to include illustrations unless you are an author and an illustrator, in which case a few samples of your artwork (no more than 10) will be sufficient. 

· Please upload your manuscript as a Word document. 

· We do not publish textbooks. 

· If you are submitting an illustration portfolio please keep your sample to a maximum on 10 illustrations in one full colour PDF. 

Submit a manuscript

Submit an illustration or artwork portfolio

Submit a collaborative work

Please email or call our office on (08) 9192 1991 for any publishing enquiries.

Magabala Books